Updates from the Western Front.
Part one: In which I will try and be less an an angry, vulgar twat.
The eagle has landed. Which is to say, they found my car. The details are fuzzy as to where she was or what condition she's in, but the police recovered it and now I'm just waiting on the insurance company to bring it back. I'm trying really hard to be grateful, but depending on what other retarded shenanigans may or may not be involved, I may have to unleash a shitstorm of fury anyway. But the more I suffer the more God will return it to me, right?
part two: in which I will become less lazy
I like Fridays when I'm not needed.
part three: in which your humble narrator settles down.
I've had a boyfriend for a fucking YEAR.
part four: miscellaneous
I spelled miscellaneous right on the first try. But not the second.
bumming rides is for poor people. oh, wait....
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