I'm doing some mad downhill sliding. The program scheduled today got canceled with so little notice. My assistant principal's a biiiiiiiiiitch and had to remind me of that this morning, I have to have a lot of information entered into the service tracking system that still has me listed at the wrong fucking school, thus causing everything I enter to disappear. I need to have everything entered in by tomorrow, no wiggle room. I also have to get a posterboard and get those signed by classes by Thursday too, I'm pretty sure. I'm still fat, my friends are still crazy, I'm getting my period, and I'm supposed to find a sexy cocktail dress by next Friday. I can't decide if I want to go smoke until i feel better, or go lock myself in my car or the bathroom and cry. I really want to cry. But I have a personal rule against crying in public unless I'm on a stage. Needless to say, I will NOT be attending the staff meeting this afternoon. I'll be doing well if I make it to 12 or 1 when I'll go over to the office and try to see if I can get a better grip on things over there. Where's ctrl+alt+del?
I did end up going to Chicago, everything worked out after much crying and tantrum throwing. There is something really wrong with the notion of a 25 year old throwing a tantrum to get her way. I went and was adored, which is a total turn on. I was blonde and glittery and fabulous. I still have the glitter under my fingernails to prove it. I didn't get to stay long, but everyone was really nice to me, which was sorely needed. I won't be getting that for another 9 days. Even the cabbie I had was the king of cool cabbies. Young Muslim dude. We talked religion and academics the whole cab ride in. I tipped him well.
Also, if I can help it, I'm never riding Greyhound again. The drivers are nice, but their booking policies are shit, as well as their major city employees (I'm looking at you, Chicago and Detroit). I booked the ticket back to Michigan online approximately 12 hours before departure. I clicked "pick up at will call" because THAT WAS THE ONLY OPTION. Fast forward 12 hours when I try to get my ticket. First they tried to tell me that that I had no ticket, then they insisted that I had purchased the ticket, but printed it at home and thus could not be printed again. So I bought another one so I could get home because it was 10 minutes before my bus was supposed to leave. I called customer service yesterday, and they're supposed to refund my internet fare in the next 7-14 days according to the nice, thickly accented man at customer service. I'm still considering putting in a complaint about the woman who told me what I did when I wasn't there. Not to mention the frequent overbooking to the point of SRO or take the next bus. Fuck. Greyhound. And on top of that, it takes about 20 extra hours to get anywhere. Seriously. From Detroit to Chicago can take anywhere from 8-10 hours. It's a 4-5 hour drive, with a comparable train ride. Megabus is pretty similar to the train, time-wise. And they're never over sold. Fuuuuuuck that.
I have hands.
I should write.
Yeah, you do! Have hands, I mean. And general awesome-ness.
sometimes I make people touch them for stupid reasons.
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