Thursday, September 15, 2011

In Which $10 Cigarettes Taste No Different Than $6 Ones.

I'm in Chicago. I'm kind of employed, and I need to find the fuck out of my social security card. I remembered that I picked it up at home, but I have no idea where I packed it up.

I need shelves and hangers and more money.

The wedding came. It went. Nobody died. I killed nobody. It was lovely. There were some moments of beauty, and fun and adulthood, moments of awkwardness, and of shameless abandon. These might have been broght to you by the letter Whiskey.

Ricky MArtin is singing "la Vida Loca" on the TV in our room.

I'm a mess. I am also not used to using shared pronouns. I hate feeling like I have to do all these things so nobody's disappointed in me. It's already too late to not disappoint my best friend.

If I think about it anymore, I might cry. Crying is not on my list of things to do.

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