Monday, July 13, 2009

Altering my brain chemisrtry with miracle whip and cayenne pepper

I'm helping Theresa drive to Arizona. The flights are booked. The notes will be booked. I get to see Adam in NC, and i get to freak all my Arkansas family out with my tat and piercings. Maybe I will find some 2 gauges for my ears before I go, or while on the road. Photos will be taken, notes will committed to paper.

Laundry part one is done. Packing needs to happen. I even cleaned out my car, ditching the last evidence of tobacco use. I found an empty booze container, which would have gone swimmingly if discovered while I was gone. Or if I was pulled over. Containers have been appropriately disposed of.

Still not preggo. High five!

Finished a book without pictures on every page! Now its back to those.

Things that will be read before my birthday:

1. Ultimate Zombie Survival Handbook - Max Brooks
2. V For Vendetta
3. Anything else I have on loan from Matt.
4. The Girl With Curious Hair - David Foster Wallace (to be purchased/borrowed from the library)

I'm extending my US tour. Originally, the final gig was July 29 (30), as I return to Detroit. July 31 I'm taking off for Chicago, then Kalamazoo. I return August 4. After that, I will have to learn to cool my jets. But that's the problem with wanderlust: the more you feed it, the more it grows.

When I want to creep myself out, I think about the fact that I've been with Matt for 8 months. EIGHT. That's almost a baby. That's 1.3333333333333333 seasons shy of a year. When the big 1-2 rolls around, you might find me passed out on the couch.

I've got to get out of here. I'm going to ask for my old job back and see if I can pick up another part time. This living at home shit is not working. I'm getting fat (from not walking anywhere), bored (from having a grand total of 3 friends in the area)and depressed (from living at home and the previously discussed reasons) all the time. I'm too far from most of the things that mean anything to me. I'll try applying for grants and grad school, because I want to be as unemployable as possible.

I am just a poor boy, though my story's seldom told...

I may have two side view mirror by the time August rolls around. Hells yes.

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