Monday, July 06, 2009

Commands to a Whore Headed West.

In other words, westward ho!


Thank you, thank you, don't forget to tip your waitress.

I've been trying to write, but I feel mentally constipated. The fact that its summer and I would much rather drive, and drink and eat and be merry and read and play with friends, lovers, and fire doesn't help anything.

I am still jobless, but I have resolved to head back west, a couple hours at a time. I am the last rat on the sinking ship known as the Detroit Job Market. Abandon ship!I can swim. Its already July, and I am seriously considering asking for my old job back. I can move back in with Jill, I'm pretty sure and that will keep me safe until December, if not beyond. I can work at KVCC and find a drinking job. Then onward to Chicago, which will become Austin.

I'm pretty bad at math, but 2.5 is less than 5. And 0 is less than the two of them put together. I don't like being far from friends. And boyfriends. And porches that are good for drinking.

Sometimes I worry that boyfriend drinks too much.

Sometimes I worry that I'm a horrible person.

I love my boyfriend's family.

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