Thursday, May 20, 2010

In Which Everything and Everyone Pisses Me Off, Including Myself

Yesterday was bad, mentally. The weather was gorgeous, which I greatly appreciate in Michigan, but oh my GAWD (yes the broad New England accent was necessary), I thought I was going to end up on the 11 o'clock news for a homicide spree. I think its my period, but I am pretty sure I would have been cranky even if my chemicals were ricocheting (when did I become such a horrible speller? this does not look like the correct spelling, but apparently it is). Coworkers, roommates, people at the bus depot (I thought I was going to have to clock this dude because I thought he looked at me funny, but in my defense, it is the bus depot.) Jill and Keith and I went out for dinner and drinks on the mall, but Jill was being difficult, and nothing looked good on me. I felt fat and like buying into the notion that I was less than because of my weight or my race or whatever.

But other than that, the food was fantastic (went to Kalammazoo's other tapas restaurant...who knew?), the drinks were expensive but tasty (a $7 mojito?!?), and the weather was chilly but pleasant.

I think some of my parade rain came from the fact that whenever I go out with Jill and a boy, or multiple boys, I inevitably get ignored in favor of her. Trite, petty, selfish...myriad other unpleasant and immature adjectives come to mind to describe the notion that I articulated, but it is the truth. And I know that it should only matter that a few people love me, but I can't help that I want to be everyone's favorite person all the fucking time. And apparently this is the way I really feel (as opposed to kind of feel) because I literally am choking back tears.

Fuck you too, hormones.

One day my blues will be a bitchen shade of teal.

This is not helping my positivity. But you know what did? I talked to Matt this morning, and we were looking at this calendar of free events at Millennium Park in Chicago. I said something about scheming to get off work, and then he said something along the lines of for most of these you'll already be here. Apparently, positivity can be contagious.

I think part of my birthday present from somebody is seeing Vampire Weekend in Chicago on the Sunday before my birthday. I am determined to have my birthday be a big deal this year. I'll be twenty-five, and goddammit, someone besides me should be glad I'm alive.

Apparently all I needed was to vomit verbally a little bit.

I do feel better. I am going to create my own feel good hit of the summer.

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