Monday, May 24, 2010

In Which I Regret That Time Travel is Not Yet Possible

More insecurity vomit. Adjust yourself accordingly.

New blog post with 25% MORE NEUROSIS!

This thing is like my therapist. I like talking about my problems, just not out loud. Verbalizing them just makes me feel weak. Is there such a thing as an e-therapist? I think that unloading my problems on a select few, or on a world that just silently listens is something comforting and appealing. I can be as weak as I need to be for a few minutes and then I can go back to my ballsy-take-no-prisoners persona. But anyway, back to the show!

I trust Matt. I really do. I can trust him all I want until the cows come home, but that's not going to change the behavior of other people and I don't like having hope as my only option.

That's the essence of trust, I guess. And I'm finding I don't like trusting other people when it comes to the big major stuff.

The Problem
This time the trigger was a simple photo. His friend (yeah that one that has been the bane of my existence and the root of all my insecurity for the past few/several months) changed her profile photo on facebook to one of her and Matt. And her last few statuses have been really flirty and cryptic. (Oh, the joys of having an indoor cat job and not having anything better to do other than hitting refresh on facebook.) And I know better than to read into it as much as I am, but I can't help it. Lord only knows why. I'm soothing myself with the fact that this girl changes her profile picture several times a week, and soon I'll be seeing another picture of her stupid, gorgeous mug all over my stalkerfeed. I looked at the album, there were 81 pictures. EIGHTY FRIGGING ONE. Not all of them were of her and not all of them were of Matt. I realize that they're really good friends but WHAT THE FRIGGING HELL. (please pardon my tone, the yelling may continue.) DID SHE HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE OF HER AND MY BOYFRIEND? I know it's stupid and petty and one of the hazards of dating in the modern age, but I still want to punch a baby or kick a puppy. And then smoke a cigarette.

What Fucking Solution?

The logical conclusion one who is not me may draw is to talk to him (or her) about it. The logical retort I deliver is and say/do what? What's the next step? None are apparent. And besides, I would just look crazy and insecure and possessive, and while I do not deny my possession of all of those traits (often at once), I like to keep the visible evidence of that to an absolute minimum. But we all knew this. There is no solution, or even compromise to be reached. I thought I could just suck it up until August, when she was supposed to be leaving for LA, but alas, she won't be leaving until December. I think it won't be long until my crazy reaches critical mass. But raise your hand if you are loving bearing witness to my descent into madness!

My solution is this girl needs a boyfriend. Done and done.

Or is this whole ordeal some sort of test? What am I supposed to be learning? Is the true solution that my blood sugar's probably low and I should just eat something?

I'm going to read and forget that this ever happened. I do need to read more and spend less time on that sanity trap Facebook.

God Bless you, world. God bless you, Folk Implosion.

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