Tuesday, December 07, 2010

In Which I Should Not Leave My Office

I've been getting my learn on. Learning about social and societal limitations, about the mental limitations of everyone on this fucking planet, about my abilities and limitations as a person, and about the long o sound.

Gotta love sharing an office.

I also love ego boosts in the form of friend requests. I've had more friend requests this week than I have had in the last two months. One of them is a little weird. I have heard of this person, I have six friends in common with them, but I have never actually met/hung out with them. One of my friends had a crush on this person a long time ago, and it more or less ended poorly. The former crush haver is not among our mutual friends. As a result, I have left them in friend request purgatory.

In other news, I have found the magic combination to make me lose Kill, Bang, Marry. I want to play that game. It's like MASH for grownups. Person A names three people and Person B has to decide who gets killed, who they would bang, and who they would marry. If Person A picks all repulsive people, Person B still has to make a decision with those three categories. Once, I presented a kill kill kill option. The people I was playing with weren't having it. It's best with 2-3 players.

I don't feel like doing shit today. Yesterday was busy, and Friday, I'm off to Chicago (4 day week this week).

One of my little pleasures in life: making stupid and obnoxious hash tags. Example: #DAMNyousasexybitch

I think that's my favorite.

Like you.

1 comment:

Smells Like Apples said...

Oh, you're too kind.

Kisses. :)