Wednesday, October 20, 2010

In Which I Am Making it Work.

I finally got temporarily placed at a school. It was not my original school, nor one of my choices, but shit, I love it here. I don't want to disclose the name of said school, but its an Afrocentric school in the DPS network. I am tempted to do my best Angela Davis and wear nothing but afros and black turtlenecks to school every day. Its great, we start the week with this thing called harambee. Lots of affirmations and African drums. Upon entering a classroom, all the kids stand have to go "Jaaaaaaambo! Hellllllllo! [something something, sounds like meebee mambo] Mr./Mrs./Miss [last name]!" I fucking love that.

My coworkers are great. The one I'm kind of working under right now is really cool and knows fucking everybody. Our officemate is another Americorps member we trained with I used to hate. Turns out he has a coffeemaker that he brought in. And he's funny. And tall. And shit, I'm stopping now. he's cool. Done and done.

I still have no idea what I'm doing.

In other news about stuff hyperliterate ex gothish kids like, my coworker and I were out doin thangs, but we had to stop in a gas station. I go in and what do I see? *hallelujah noise* The legal cloves that can be sold in the US. This is the first time I've seen them in Michigan. Not only that, but they had a fucking variety: the blacks, the kind that have the goldish colored filter, possibly a variation of the bali hais, and CHERRY FLAVORED BLACKS.

the pack is in my pocket, just waiting to be smoked.

hanging out in the office now, pretending to look efficient and busy. Nobody's walked by, so my attempt to gauge how effective my ruse is is not working.

I think I'll walk the halls shortly to remind people I'm still here, being inefficient.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

In Which Certain Realizations Come To Light

Realization #1: I have only gained twenty pounds since I graduated high school. When framed this way, I don't feel so fat. However, ten of those were in the last two to three years. Overall, my body is not as bad as I think it is.

Realization #2: I AM LIVING THE DREAM. Yes, the caps were necessary. Work is still stupid and hasn't called me to go in for my first official day, so I've been studying for the GRE. When I'm not studying, I'm watching Logo, VH1 Classic, snseless shit on the internet...but I am pretty sure I am still getting paid (emphasis on pretty sure). Let me spell it out for you: I AM GETTING PAID TO LEARN ALL KINDS OF ACADEMIC SHIT AND WATCH TV. This has been my life's goal for the last seven years. The only thing that doesn't quite fit in with said dream is tht I am still living at home.

Realization #3: I should have cut my hair a long long time ago.

Realization #4: Other people are exhausting

Realization #5: babies are cool, especially when they start walking and talking and speaking the language.

Realization #6: There were more realizations here than i initially thought.

Realization #7: There are few things cooler than spending the evening on my boyfriend's parents couch, with my boyfriend and a glass of wine.

Realization #8: The Roots are awesome.

Realization #9: I don't write nearly as much as I should.

Realization #10: A world without cable is not one I want to live in.